Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Of Mice and Men (Exercise # 5 - Flickr)

Oh this is craptacular. I've spent the last 3 hours exploring Flickr, setting up an account, uploading some of my own photos. The I try to use the online blogging tool to add pics to my blog and what happens? Well, I have to come back to eBlogger and click some non-existent button to allow Flickr access. All the help pages say "Sorry, this information is not available".
Ok I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist, I'll admit. What I am not is a total moron. All the spin on both FlickR and eBlogger is around how simple this is to achieve. But it's not. My conspiracy theory is that this is a Google (eBlogger) vs Yahoo (Flickr) issue. Its the Montagus and the Capulets for the 21st century - right here.

I'm gonna try this one more time.... I'll be back.

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